2022 Marks The 14th Season of The Grand River Film Festival (GRFF)!

The Grand River Film Festival will run May 9-22, 2022 with a return to in-person festival experience, running as a hybrid festival. Building on last year’s success with digital platforms, GRFF was able to reach audiences far and wide and we will continue to look for ways to include these virtual experiences, both within the festival and beyond. We will continue to monitor and follow the guidance of public health recommendations for our physical events and will provide updates as necessary.

Land Acknowledgement

The Grand River Film Festival offices and venues are situated on the Haldimand Tract, land that was granted to the Haudenosaunee of the Six Nations of the Grand River, and are within the territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabe, and Haudenosaunee peoples.

This land is part of the Dish with One Spoon Treaty between the Haudenosaunee and Anishnaabe peoples and symbolizes the agreement to share, protect our resources and not to engage in conflict. As you consider watching a film with us, we encourage you to reflect on the land that you are on, who the traditional keepers of the land are, what the treaty relationship is, or if it’s unceded territory.

  • Three figures stand in the snow and woods, with a demonic face floating behind them


This is our 2021 archive content.


This is our 2021 archive content.